* This file exists to define the below types for documentation purposes.
* Built-in HTTP server
* @memberof server
* @external HttpServer
* @see {@link https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_server}
* Express.js top-level application
* @memberof server
* @external ExpressApp
* @see {@link https://expressjs.com/en/4x/api.html#app}
* Express.js HTTP router
* @memberof server
* @external ExpressRouter
* @see {@link https://expressjs.com/en/4x/api.html#router}
* Express.js HTTP request
* @memberof server
* @external ExpressRequest
* @see {@link https://expressjs.com/en/4x/api.html#req}
* Express.js HTTP response
* @memberof server
* @external ExpressResponse
* @see {@link https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_serverresponse}
* Defines how an individual API route should be handled
* @memberof server
* @typedef {Object} Route
* @property {String} route The name of the api (this will be used as the API endpoint)
* @property {Object} handlers Object mapping HTTP methods to request handler functions. Note: Any HTTP methods not specified in `handlers` will not be exposed.
* @property {Array<Function>|Function} [handlers.post] POST handlers for the route
* @property {Array<Function>|Function} [handlers.get] GET handlers for the route
* @property {Array<Function>|Function} [handlers.put] PUT handlers for the route
* @property {Array<Function>|Function} [handlers.delete] DELETE handlers for the route
* @example
* {
* route: '/:id?',
* handlers: {
* // can be an array of middleware/handlers
* post: [beforePost, handlePostRequest, afterPost],
* // or an individual function
* get: getRequest,
* put: putRequest,
* // or an in-line function
* delete: (req, res, next) => { next(); }
* }
* }