
import { AbstractModule, App } from 'adapt-authoring-core'
import axios from 'axios'
import bodyParser from 'body-parser'
import bytes from 'bytes'
import compression from 'compression'
import { createWriteStream } from 'fs'
import { fileTypeFromFile } from 'file-type'
import formidable from 'formidable'
import fs from 'fs/promises'
import path from 'path'
import helmet from 'helmet'
import { unzip } from 'zipper'
 * Adds useful Express middleware to the server stack
 * @memberof middleware
 * @extends {AbstractModule}
class MiddlewareModule extends AbstractModule {
  get zipTypes () {
    return [

  isZip (mimeType) {
    return this.zipTypes.includes(mimeType)

  /** @override */
  async init () {
    const server = await'server')
    // add custom middleware

   * Parses incoming JSON data to req.body
   * @see
   * @return {Function} Express middleware function
  bodyParserJson () {
    return (req, res, next) => {
      bodyParser.json()(req, res, (error, ...args) => {
        if (error) return next({ error: error.message }))
        next(null, ...args)

   * Parses incoming URL-encoded data to req.body
   * @see
   * @return {Function} Express middleware function
  bodyParserUrlEncoded () {
    return (req, res, next) => {
      bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })(req, res, (error, ...args) => {
        if (error) return next({ error: error.message }))
        next(null, ...args)

   * Sets default file upload options
   * @param {object} options The initial options object
   * @returns {FileUploadOptions}
  setDefaultFileOptions (options = {}) {
      maxFileSize: this.getConfig('fileUploadMaxFileSize'),
      multiples: true,
      uploadDir: this.getConfig('uploadTempDir'),
      promisify: false,
      unzip: false,
      removeZipSource: true
    }).forEach(([k, v]) => {
      if (k === 'expectedFileTypes' && !Array.isArray(v)) v = [v]
      if (!, k)) options[k] = v

   * Handles incoming file uploads
   * @param {Array<String>} expectedFileTypes List of file types to accept
   * @param {FileUploadOptions} options
   * @return {Function} The Express handler
  fileUploadParser (expectedFileTypes, options = {}) {
    options.expectedFileTypes = expectedFileTypes
    return (req, res, next) => {
      return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
        const middleware = await App.instance.waitForModule('middleware')

        if (options.promisify) {
          next = e => e ? reject(e) : resolve()
        if (!req.headers['content-type']?.startsWith('multipart/form-data')) {
          return next()
        try {
          await fs.mkdir(options.uploadDir, { recursive: true })
        } catch (e) {
          if (e.code !== 'EEXIST') return next(e)
        formidable(options).parse(req, async (error, fields, files) => {
          if (error) {
            if (error.code === 1009) {
              const [maxSize, size] = error.message.match(/(\d+) bytes/g).map(s => bytes(Number(s.replace(' bytes', ''))))
              error = App.instance.errors.FILE_EXCEEDS_MAX_SIZE.setData({ maxSize, size })
            return next(error)
          // covert fields back from arrays and add to body
          Object.keys(fields).forEach(k => {
            let val = fields[k][0]
            try { val = JSON.parse(val) } catch (e) {}
            req.body[k] = val
          if (Object.keys(files).length === 0) { // no files uploaded
            return next()
          try {
            await validateUploadedFiles(req, files, options)
          } catch (e) {
            return next(e)
          if (options.unzip) {
            await Promise.all(Object.entries(files).map(async ([k, [f]]) => {
              if (!middleware.isZip(f.mimetype)) {
                return Promise.resolve()
              f.mimetype = 'application/zip' // always set to the same value for easier checking elsewhere
              f.filepath = await unzip(f.filepath, `${f.filepath}_unzip`, { removeSource: options.removeZipSource || true })
          Object.assign(req, { fileUpload: { files } })

   * Handles incoming file uploads via URL
   * @param {Array<String>} expectedFileTypes List of file types to accept
   * @param {FileUploadOptions} options
   * @return {Function} The Express handler
  urlUploadParser (expectedFileTypes, options) {
    options.expectedFileTypes = expectedFileTypes
    return (req, res, next) => {
      return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
        const middleware = await App.instance.waitForModule('middleware')

        if (options.promisify) {
          next = e => e ? reject(e) : resolve()
        if (!req.body.url) {
          return next()
        let responseData
        try {
          responseData = (await axios.get(req.body.url, { responseType: 'stream' })).data
        } catch (e) {
          if (e.code === 'ERR_INVALID_URL' || e.response.status === 404) {
            return next({ url: req.body.url }))
          return next(e)
        const contentType = responseData.headers['content-type']
        const subtype = contentType.split('/')[1]
        const fileName = `${new Date().getTime()}.${subtype}`
        const uploadPath = path.resolve(options.uploadDir, fileName)
        // set up file data to mimic formidable
        const fileData = {
          files: {
            file: [{
              filepath: uploadPath,
              originalFilename: fileName,
              newFilename: fileName,
              mimetype: contentType,
              size: Number(responseData.headers['content-length'])
        let fileStream
        try {
          validateUploadedFiles(req, fileData.files, options)
          await fs.mkdir(options.uploadDir, { recursive: true })
          fileStream = createWriteStream(uploadPath)
        } catch (e) {
          if (e.code !== 'EEXIST') return next(e)
        responseData.pipe(fileStream).on('close', async () => {
          req.fileUpload = fileData
          if (subtype === 'zip' && options.unzip) {
            req.fileUpload.files.course.filepath = await unzip(uploadPath, `${uploadPath}_unzip`, { removeSource: options.removeSource })
        }).on('error', next)
/** @ignore */
async function validateUploadedFiles (req, filesObj, options) {
  const errors = App.instance.errors
  const assetErrors = []
  const filesArr = Object.values(filesObj).reduce((memo, f) => memo.concat(f), []) // flatten nested arrays
  await Promise.all( f => {
    if (!options.expectedFileTypes.includes(f.mimetype)) {
      // formidable mimetype isn't allowed, try inspecting the file
      f.mimetype = (await fileTypeFromFile(f.filepath))?.mime
      if (!options.expectedFileTypes.includes(f.mimetype)) {
        assetErrors.push(errors.UNEXPECTED_FILE_TYPES.setData({ expectedFileTypes: options.expectedFileTypes, invalidFiles: [f.originalFilename] }))
    if (!f.size > options.maxFileSize) {
      assetErrors.push(errors.FILE_EXCEEDS_MAX_SIZE.setData({ size: bytes(f.size), maxSize: bytes(options.maxFileSize) }))
  if (assetErrors.length) {
    throw errors.VALIDATION_FAILED
      .setData({ schemaName: 'fileupload', errors:', ') })

export default MiddlewareModule