
import { AbstractModule, Hook } from 'adapt-authoring-core'
import chalk from 'chalk'
 * Module for logging message to the console
 * @memberof logger
 * @extends {AbstractModule}
class LoggerModule extends AbstractModule {
   * Colours an input string
   * @param {String} str
   * @param {String} colour
   * @return {String}
  static colourise (str, colour) {
    const chalkFunc = chalk[colour]
    return chalkFunc ? chalkFunc(str) : str

   * Returns a formatted date stamp
   * @param {Object} config
   * @return {String}
  static getDateStamp (config) {
    if (!config.timestamp) {
      return ''
    let str
    if (config.dateFormat === 'iso') {
      str = new Date().toISOString()
    } else if (config.dateFormat === 'short') {
      const d = new Date()
      const m = d.getMonth() + 1
      const s = d.getSeconds()
      const date = `${d.getDate()}/${m < 10 ? `0${m}` : m}/${d.getFullYear().toString().slice(2)}`
      const time = `${d.getHours()}:${d.getMinutes()}:${s < 10 ? `0${s}` : s}`
      str = `${date}-${time}`
    return LoggerModule.colourise(`${str} `, 'grey')

  /** @override */
  async init () {
     * Defines what messages are logged
     * @type {Array}
    this.levelsConfig = this.getConfig('levels')
     * Hook invoked on each message logged
     * @type {Hook}
    this.logHook = new Hook()
     * Module configuration options
     * @type {Object}
    this.config = {
      levels: {
        error: {
          enable: this.isLevelEnabled('error'),
          moduleOverrides: this.getModuleOverrides('error'),
          colour: 'red'
        warn: {
          enable: this.isLevelEnabled('warn'),
          moduleOverrides: this.getModuleOverrides('warn'),
          colour: 'yellow'
        success: {
          enable: this.isLevelEnabled('success'),
          moduleOverrides: this.getModuleOverrides('success'),
          colour: 'green'
        info: {
          enable: this.isLevelEnabled('info'),
          moduleOverrides: this.getModuleOverrides('info'),
          colour: 'cyan'
        debug: {
          enable: this.isLevelEnabled('debug'),
          moduleOverrides: this.getModuleOverrides('debug'),
          colour: 'grey'
      timestamp: this.getConfig('showTimestamp'),
      dateFormat: this.getConfig('dateFormat'),
      mute: this.getConfig('mute').toString() === 'true'
    // store instance on main App instance = this

   * Determines whether a specific log level is enabled
   * @param {String} level
   * @return {Boolean}
  isLevelEnabled (level) { // note explicit disable takes preference
    return !this.levelsConfig.includes(`!${level}`) && this.levelsConfig.includes(level)

   * Returns a list of log levels with overrides, either inclusive or exclusive
   * @param {String} level
   * @return {Array}
  getModuleOverrides (level) {
    const levels = []
    this.levelsConfig.forEach(l => {
      const s = `${level}.`; const notS = `!${level}.`
      if (l.indexOf(s) === 0 || l.indexOf(notS) === 0) levels.push(l)
    return levels

   * Returns whether a message should be logged (i.e. not disabled in the config)
   * @param {string} level Logging level
   * @param {string} id Id of log caller
   * @returns {boolean}
  isLoggingEnabled (level, id) {
    const { enable, moduleOverrides = [] } = this?.config?.levels[level] || {}
    const isEnabled = enable || moduleOverrides.includes(`${level}.${id}`)
    const disableOverride = moduleOverrides.includes(`!${level}.${id}`)
    return isEnabled && !disableOverride

   * Logs a message to the console
   * @param {String} level Severity of the message
   * @param {String} id Identifier for the message. Helps to differentiate between other messages.
   * @param {...*} args Arguments to be logged
  log (level, id, ...args) {
    if (this?.config?.mute?.toString() === 'true') {
    if (id === AbstractModule.MODULE_READY) { // @hack for (better than overriding setReady)
      id ='-').pop()
      args = [AbstractModule.MODULE_READY, ...args]
    if (!this.isLoggingEnabled(level, id)) {
    const colour = this?.config?.levels[level]?.colour
    const logFunc = console[level] ?? console.log
    logFunc(`${LoggerModule.getDateStamp(this.config)}${LoggerModule.colourise(level, colour)} ${LoggerModule.colourise(id, 'magenta')}`, ...args)
    this.logHook.invoke(new Date(), level, id, ...args)

export default LoggerModule