
import _ from 'lodash'
import { App, Hook } from 'adapt-authoring-core'
import fs from 'fs/promises'
import xss from 'xss'

/** @ignore */ const BASE_SCHEMA_NAME = 'base'

 * Functionality related to JSON schema
 * @memberof jsonschema
class JsonSchema {
  constructor ({ enableCache, filePath, validator, xssWhitelist }) {
     * The raw built JSON schema
     * @type {Object}
    this.built = undefined
     * The compiled schema validation function
     * @type {function}
    this.compiled = undefined
     * Whether caching is enabled for this schema
     * @type {Boolean}
    this.enableCache = enableCache
     * List of extensions for this schema
     * @type {Array<String>}
    this.extensions = []
     * File path to the schema
     * @type {String}
    this.filePath = filePath
     * Whether the schema is currently building
     * @type {Boolean}
    this.isBuilding = false
     * The last build time (in milliseconds)
     * @type {Number}
    this.lastBuildTime = undefined
     * The raw schema data for this schema (with no inheritance/extensions)
     * @type {Object}
    this.raw = undefined
     * Reference to the Ajv validator instance
     * @type {external:Ajv}
    this.validator = validator
     * Reference to the local XSS sanitiser instance
     * @type {Object}
    this.xss = new xss.FilterXSS({ whiteList: xssWhitelist })
     * Hook which invokes every time the schema is built
     * @type {Hook}
    this.buildHook = new Hook()

   * Determines whether the current schema build is valid using last modification timestamp
   * @returns {Boolean}
  async isBuildValid () {
    if (!this.built) return false
    let schema = this
    while (schema) {
      const { mtimeMs } = await fs.stat(schema.filePath)
      if (mtimeMs > this.lastBuildTime) return false
      schema = await schema.getParent()
    return true

   * Returs the parent schema if $merge is defined (or the base schema if a root schema)
   * @returns {JsonSchema}
  async getParent () {
    if ( === BASE_SCHEMA_NAME) return
    const jsonschema = await App.instance.waitForModule('jsonschema')
    const mergeRef = this.raw?.$merge?.source?.$ref
    try {
      return await jsonschema.getSchema(mergeRef ?? BASE_SCHEMA_NAME)
    } catch (e) {}

   * Loads the schema file
   * @returns {JsonSchema} This instance
  async load () {
    try {
      this.raw = JSON.parse((await fs.readFile(this.filePath)).toString()) = this.raw.$anchor
    } catch (e) {
      throw App.instance.errors?.SCHEMA_LOAD_FAILED?.setData({ schemaName: this.filePath }) ?? e
    if (this.validator.validateSchema(this.raw)?.errors) {
      const errors = => e.instancePath ? `${e.instancePath} ${e.message}` : e.message)
      if (errors.length) {
        throw App.instance.errors.INVALID_SCHEMA
          .setData({ schemaName:, errors: errors.join(', ') })
    return this

   * Builds and compiles the schema from the $merge and $patch schemas
   * @param {SchemaBuildOptions}
   * @return {JsonSchema}
  async build (options = {}) {
    if (options.useCache !== false && this.enableCache && await this.isBuildValid()) {
      return this
    if (this.isBuilding) {
      return new Promise(resolve => this.buildHook.tap(() => resolve(this)))
    this.isBuilding = true

    const jsonschema = await App.instance.waitForModule('jsonschema')
    const { applyExtensions, extensionFilter } = options

    let built = _.cloneDeep(this.raw)
    let parent = await this.getParent()

    while (parent) {
      const parentBuilt = _.cloneDeep((await
      built = await this.patch(parentBuilt, built, { strict: ! === BASE_SCHEMA_NAME })
      parent = await parent.getParent()
    if (this.extensions.length) {
      await Promise.all( s => {
        const applyPatch = typeof extensionFilter === 'function' ? extensionFilter(s) : applyExtensions !== false
        if (applyPatch) {
          const extSchema = await jsonschema.getSchema(s)
          this.patch(built, extSchema.raw, { extendAnnotations: false })
    this.built = built
    this.compiled = await this.validator.compileAsync(built)
    this.isBuilding = false
    this.lastBuildTime =

    return this

   * Applies a patch schema to another schema
   * @param {Object} baseSchema The base schema to apply the patch
   * @param {Object} patchSchema The patch schema to apply to the base
   * @param {ApplyPatchOptions} options
   * @return {Object} The base schema
  async patch (baseSchema, patchSchema, options = {}) {
    const opts = _.defaults(options, {
      extendAnnotations: patchSchema.$anchor !== BASE_SCHEMA_NAME,
      overwriteProperties: true,
      strict: true
    const patchData = patchSchema.$patch?.with ?? patchSchema.$merge?.with ?? (!opts.strict && patchSchema)
    if (!patchData) {
      throw App.instance.errors.INVALID_SCHEMA.setData({ schemaName: patchSchema.$anchor })
    if (opts.extendAnnotations) {
      ['$anchor', 'title', 'description'].forEach(p => {
        if (patchSchema[p]) baseSchema[p] = patchSchema[p]
    if ( {
      const mergeFunc = opts.overwriteProperties ? _.merge : _.defaultsDeep
    ['allOf', 'anyOf', 'oneOf'].forEach(p => {
      if (patchData[p]?.length) baseSchema[p] = (baseSchema[p] ?? []).concat(_.cloneDeep(patchData[p]))
    if (patchData.required) {
      baseSchema.required = _.uniq([...(baseSchema.required ?? []), ...patchData.required])
    return baseSchema

   * Checks passed data against the specified schema (if it exists)
   * @param {Object} dataToValidate The data to be validated
   * @param {SchemaValidateOptions} options
   * @return {Promise} Resolves with the validated data
  async validate (dataToValidate, options) {
    const opts = _.defaults(options, { useDefaults: true, ignoreRequired: false })
    const data = _.defaultsDeep(_.cloneDeep(dataToValidate), opts.useDefaults ? this.getObjectDefaults() : {})


    const errors = this.compiled.errors && this.compiled.errors
      .filter(e => e.keyword === 'required' ? !opts.ignoreRequired : true)
      .map(e => e.instancePath ? `${e.instancePath} ${e.message}` : e.message)
      .reduce((s, e) => `${s}${e}, `, '')

    if (errors?.length) { throw App.instance.errors.VALIDATION_FAILED.setData({ schemaName:, errors, data }) }

    return data

   * Sanitises data by removing attributes according to the context (provided by options)
   * @param {Object} dataToValidate The data to be sanitised
   * @param {SchemaSanitiseOptions} options
   * @return {Object} The sanitised data
  async sanitise (dataToSanitise, options = {}, schema) {
    const opts = _.defaults(options, { isInternal: false, isReadOnly: false, sanitiseHtml: true, strict: true })
    schema = schema ?? this.built
    const sanitised = {}
    for (const prop in {
      const schemaData =[prop]
      const value = dataToSanitise[prop]
      const ignore = (opts.isInternal && schemaData.isInternal) || (opts.isReadOnly && schemaData.isReadOnly)
      if (value === undefined || (ignore && !opts.strict)) {
      if (ignore && opts.strict) {
        throw App.instance.errors.MODIFY_PROTECTED_ATTR.setData({ attribute: prop, value })
      sanitised[prop] =
        schemaData.type === 'object' &&
          ? await this.sanitise(value, opts, schemaData)
          : schemaData.type === 'string' && opts.sanitiseHtml
            ? this.xss.process(value)
            : value
    return sanitised

   * Adds an extension schema
   * @param {String} extSchemaName
  addExtension (extSchemaName) {
    !this.extensions.includes(extSchemaName) && this.extensions.push(extSchemaName)

   * Returns all schema defaults as a correctly structured object
   * @param {Object} schema
   * @param {Object} memo For recursion
   * @returns {Object} The defaults object
  getObjectDefaults (schema) {
    schema = schema ?? this.built
    const props = ?? schema.$merge?.with?.properties ?? schema.$patch?.with?.properties
    return _.mapValues(props, s => s.type === 'object' && ? this.getObjectDefaults(s) : s.default)

export default JsonSchema