
import { App } from 'adapt-authoring-core'
import AuthUtils from './AuthUtils.js'
import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken'
import { promisify } from 'util'

/** @ignore */ const jwtSignPromise = promisify(jwt.sign)
/** @ignore */ const jwtVerifyPromise = promisify(jwt.verify)

/** @ignore */ const collectionName = 'authtokens'
/** @ignore */ const schemaName = 'authtoken'
 * Utilities for dealing with JSON web tokens
 * @memberof auth
class AuthToken {
   * Retrieves the secret used during token generation
   * @type {String}
  static get secret () {
    return AuthUtils.getConfig('tokenSecret')

  static getSignature (token) {
    return token.split('.')[2]

   * Decodes and stores any token data on the Express ClientRequest object
   * @param {external:ExpressRequest} req
   * @return {Promise}
  static async initRequestData (req) {
    if (!req.auth.header) {
      throw App.instance.errors.MISSING_AUTH_HEADER
    if (req.auth.header.type !== 'Bearer') {
      throw App.instance.errors.AUTH_HEADER_UNSUPPORTED
        .setData({ type: req.auth.header.type })
    const token = await this.decode(req.auth.header.value)
    const [auth, mongodb, roles, users] = await App.instance.waitForModule('auth', 'mongodb', 'roles', 'users')
    const [user] = await users.find({ email: token.sub })
    const authPlugin = auth.authentication.plugins[user.authType]
    if (!user) {
      throw App.instance.errors.UNAUTHENTICATED
    if (!user.isEnabled) {
      throw App.instance.errors.ACCOUNT_DISABLED
    if (!authPlugin) {
      throw App.instance.errors.UNKNOWN_AUTH_TYPE
        .setData({ authType: user.authType })
    const userSchemaName = authPlugin.userSchema
    await mongodb.update(collectionName, { signature: token.signature }, { $set: { usedAt: new Date() } })

    const scopes = [].concat(...(await Promise.all( => roles.getScopesForRole(r)))))
    const isSuper = this.isSuper(scopes)

    Object.assign(req.auth, { isSuper, scopes, token, user, userSchemaName })

   * Utility function to check if a user has super privileges
   * @param {Array} scopes The user's permission scopes
   * @return {Promise}
  static isSuper (scopes) {
    return scopes.length === 1 && scopes[0] === '*:*'

   * Generates a new token
   * @param {String} authType Authentication type used
   * @param {Object} userData The user to be encoded
   * @param {Object} options
   * @param {string} options.lifespan Lifespan of the token
   * @return {Promise} Resolves with the token value
  static async generate (authType, userData, options = {}) {
    const [auth, jsonschema, mongodb] = await App.instance.waitForModule('auth', 'jsonschema', 'mongodb')
    const _id = mongodb.ObjectId.create().toString()
    const expiresIn = options.lifespan ?? AuthUtils.getConfig('defaultTokenLifespan')
    const token = await jwtSignPromise({ sub:, type: authType }, this.secret, {
      issuer: AuthUtils.getConfig('tokenIssuer')
    const schema = await jsonschema.getSchema(schemaName)
    const data = await schema.validate({
      signature: this.getSignature(token),
      createdAt: new Date().toISOString(),
      userId: userData._id.toString()
    await mongodb.insert(collectionName, data)
    auth.log('debug', 'AUTH_TOKEN_ISSUED', data.userId.toString(), data.authType, expiresIn)
    return token

   * Decodes a token
   * @param {String} token The token to decode
   * @return {Promise} Decoded token data
  static async decode (token) {
    let tokenData
    try {
      tokenData = await jwtVerifyPromise(token, this.secret)
      tokenData.signature = this.getSignature(token)
    } catch (e) {
      switch ( {
        case 'JsonWebTokenError':
          throw App.instance.errors.AUTH_TOKEN_INVALID.setData({ error: e.message })
        case 'NotBeforeError':
          throw App.instance.errors.AUTH_TOKEN_NOT_BEFORE.setData({ error: e.message })
        case 'TokenExpiredError':
          throw App.instance.errors.AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRED
      try {
        await this.revoke(tokenData)
      } catch {} // revoke the token if it exists
    if (!tokenData.sub) {
      throw App.instance.errors.INVALID_PARAMS.setData({ params: ['sub'] })
    try { // verify we have a matching token in the DB
      await this.find({ signature: this.getSignature(token) })
    } catch (e) {
      throw App.instance.errors.UNAUTHENTICATED
    return tokenData

   * Retrieves an existing token
   * @param {Object} query
   * @param {Object} options
   * @param {Object} options.sanitise Whether the token data should be sanitised for returning via an API
   * @return {Promise} Resolves with the value from MongoDBModule#find
  static async find (query, options = {}) {
    const [jsonschema, mongodb] = await App.instance.waitForModule('jsonschema', 'mongodb')
    const results = await mongodb.find(collectionName, query)

    if (!results.length) {
      throw App.instance.errors.NOT_FOUND
        .setData({ type: 'authtoken', id: JSON.stringify(query) })
    if (!options.sanitise) {
      return results
    const schema = await jsonschema.getSchema(schemaName)
    return Promise.all( r => schema.sanitise(r, { isInternal: true })))

   * Invalidates an existing token
   * @param {Object} query Database query to identify tokens to be deleted
   * @return {Promise} Resolves with the value from MongoDBModule#delete
  static async revoke (query) {
    const [auth, mongodb] = await App.instance.waitForModule('auth', 'mongodb')
    try {
      const results = await this.find(query)
      results.forEach(r => auth.log('debug', 'AUTH_TOKEN_REVOKED', r.userId.toString(), r.authType))
    } catch (e) {
      return // just fail silently if token doesn't exist
    return mongodb.getCollection(collectionName).deleteMany(query)

export default AuthToken