
import { AbstractModule } from 'adapt-authoring-core'
import Authentication from './Authentication.js'
import AuthToken from './AuthToken.js'
import AuthUtils from './AuthUtils.js'
import Permissions from './Permissions.js'
 * Adds authentication + authorisation to the server
 * @memberof auth
 * @extends {AbstractModule}
class AuthModule extends AbstractModule {
  /** @override */
  async init () {
     * All routes to ignore auth
     * @type {RouteStore}
     * @example
     * {
     *   post: { "/api/test": true }
     * }
    this.unsecuredRoutes = AuthUtils.createEmptyStore()
     * Whether auth should be enabled
     * @type {Boolean}
    this.isEnabled = this.getConfig('isEnabled')

    if (!this.isEnabled) {
      if ('env.NODE_ENV') !== 'production') {
        this.log('info', 'auth disabled')
      } else {
        this.log('warn', 'cannot disable auth for production environments')
        this.isEnabled = true
    const server = await'server')
     * Reference to the Express router
     * @type {Router}
    this.router = server.api.createChildRouter('auth')

     * The permission-checking unit
     * @type {Permissions}
    this.permissions = await Permissions.init(this)
     * The authentication unit
     * @type {Authentication}
    this.authentication = await Authentication.init(this)

   * Locks a route to only users with the passed permissions scopes
   * @param {String} route The route
   * @param {String} method The HTTP method
   * @param {Array<String>} scopes Permissions scopes
  secureRoute (route, method, scopes) {
    this.permissions.secureRoute(route, method, scopes)

   * Allows unconditional access to a specific route
   * @type {Function}
   * @param {String} route The route/endpoint
   * @param {String} method HTTP method to allow
  unsecureRoute (route, method) {
    this.unsecuredRoutes[method.toLowerCase()][route] = true
    this.log('debug', 'UNSECURED_ROUTE', method.toUpperCase(), route)

   * Processes and parses incoming auth data
   * @param {external:ExpressRequest} req
  async initAuthData (req) {
    await AuthUtils.initAuthData(req)
    if (this.isEnabled) await AuthToken.initRequestData(req)

   * Initialises auth data for root requests
   * @param {external:ExpressRequest} req
   * @param {external:ExpressResponse} res
   * @param {Function} next
  rootMiddleware (req, res, next) {
    this.initAuthData(req).then(next, () => next())

   * Initialises auth data for root requests
   * @param {external:ExpressRequest} req
   * @param {external:ExpressResponse} res
   * @param {Function} next
  async apiMiddleware (req, res, next) {
    let initError
    try {
      await this.initAuthData(req)
    } catch (e) {
      initError = e
    const method = req.method.toLowerCase()
    const route = `${req.baseUrl}${req.route.path}`
    const shortRoute = route.slice(0, route.lastIndexOf('/'))
    const isUnsecured = this.unsecuredRoutes[method][route] || this.unsecuredRoutes[method][shortRoute]

    if (initError && !isUnsecured) {
      this.log('debug', 'BLOCK_REQUEST', req.originalUrl, initError.statusCode, req?.auth?.user?._id)
      return res.sendError(initError)
    if (!isUnsecured) {
      await this.permissions.check(req)

export default AuthModule