* Utilities for APIs
* @memberof api
class AbstractApiUtils {
* Converts HTTP methods to a corresponding 'action' for use in auth
* @param {String} method The HTTP method
* @return {String}
static httpMethodToAction (method) {
switch (method.toLowerCase()) {
case 'get':
return 'read'
case 'post':
case 'put':
case 'patch':
case 'delete':
return 'write'
return ''
* Converts HTTP methods to a corresponding database function
* @param {String} method The HTTP method
* @return {String}
static httpMethodToDBFunction (method) {
switch (method.toLowerCase()) {
case 'post': return 'insert'
case 'get': return 'find'
case 'put': case 'patch': return 'update'
case 'delete': return 'delete'
default: return ''
* Generates a list of arguments to be passed to the MongoDBModule from a request object
* @param {external:ExpressRequest} req
* @return {Array<*>}
static argsFromReq (req) {
const opts = { schemaName: req.apiData.schemaName, collectionName: req.apiData.collectionName }
switch (req.method) {
case 'GET': case 'DELETE':
return [req.apiData.query, opts]
case 'POST':
return [req.apiData.data, opts]
case 'PUT': case 'PATCH':
return [req.apiData.query, req.apiData.data, opts]
* Generates REST API metadata and stores on route config
* @param {AbstractApiModule} instance The current AbstractApiModule instance
static generateApiMetadata (instance) {
const getData = isList => {
const $ref = { $ref: `#/components/schemas/${instance.schemaName}` }
return {
description: `The ${instance.schemaName} data`,
content: { 'application/json': { schema: isList ? { type: 'array', items: $ref } : $ref } }
const queryParams = [
name: 'limit',
in: 'query',
description: `How many results should be returned Default value is ${instance.app.config.get('adapt-authoring-api.defaultPageSize')} (max value is ${instance.app.config.get('adapt-authoring-api.maxPageSize')})`
name: 'page',
in: 'query',
description: 'The page of results to return (determined from the limit value)'
const verbMap = {
put: 'Replace',
get: 'Retrieve',
patch: 'Update',
delete: 'Delete',
post: 'Insert'
instance.routes.forEach(r => {
r.meta = {}
Object.keys(r.handlers).forEach(method => {
let summary, parameters, requestBody, responses
switch (r.route) {
case '/':
if (method === 'post') {
summary = `${verbMap.post} a new ${instance.schemaName} document`
requestBody = getData()
responses = { 201: getData() }
} else {
summary = `${verbMap.get} all ${instance.collectionName} documents`
parameters = queryParams
responses = { 200: getData(true) }
case '/:_id':
summary = `${verbMap[method]} an existing ${instance.schemaName} document`
requestBody = method === 'put' || method === 'patch' ? getData() : method === 'delete' ? undefined : {}
responses = { [method === 'delete' ? 204 : 200]: getData() }
case '/query':
summary = `Query all ${instance.collectionName}`
parameters = queryParams
responses = { 200: getData(true) }
case '/schema':
summary = `Retrieve ${instance.schemaName} schema`
r.meta[method] = { summary, parameters, requestBody, responses }
* Clones an object and converts any Dates and ObjectIds to Strings
* @param {Object} data
* @returns A clone object with stringified ObjectIds
static stringifyValues (data) {
return Object.entries(data).reduce((cloned, [key, val]) => {
const type = val?.constructor?.name
cloned[key] =
type === 'Date' || type === 'ObjectId'
? val.toString()
: type === 'Array' || type === 'Object'
? this.stringifyValues(val)
: val
return cloned
}, Array.isArray(data) ? [] : {})
export default AbstractApiUtils